Fremantle adventures

What an adventure.

We took a trip to Fremantle yesterday to see touristy things. We went to the shipwreck museum where I got my very pretty iron ore earrings. We went to the round house the yummy south beach cafe.
Extremely interesting were the places – although a tad scary in the rough and ferrel sense – honestly it was like being in a village ghetto.

By now I’m sick of not finding hot Aussie men, I give up. Only a few days left.

We went to the 9pm torchlight tour of Fremantle Prison. Wowee. That prison is big and beautiful. I got myself a jumper from there too! We went through it, slightly creeped out giggling away when we got to the yard that has a flogging post. The guide wanted two people madly inlove. So of course I volunteer my friend and her fiance. Wouldn’t you? I now own a video of them using a cat-o-nine tails on each other and they bloody loved it – all smiles!

We continued on the tour with my friend cursing me whilst I giggle away. Until we get to near the end. Learning the story of inmate John West. He was silly.

I was on the rounds right when I got myself a gun and told them, ‘dont stop me or I’ll shoot’ they threw their forks and plates at me so I ducked and shot out but I closed my eyes and actually hit them. Now I tried running. But I found myself on the roof of the kitchen – surrounded. They told me to throw the gun down but I really needed a smoke so I told ’em ‘throw up my smokes and I’ll throw down my gun” so they did.. I was then taken back to my cell.

I only remember this story as myself and Courtney started chatting and safely aware he had gone down a ladder. I stated how he was very hot and we discussed how yet again I lost one of the few sexy Aussies I’ve seen.. to turn around and guess who is behind us? That’s right folks, John West.

To busselton today!